Enough with the old-school saying that skirts and dresses are the only synonyms for femininity. Trousers are the must-have item in your fall-winter wardrobe. They are comfy, they are cosy and they can be easily matched for every occasion. We repeat: every occasion!

The classic
And by classic, we mean your favourite pair of jeans with flattering cut. You can combine them with everything: ankle boots, boots, elegant pumps, wellies.

Leather pants
You may remember Ross, the Friendscharacter that keeps amusing generations with his leather pants. Ross got really hot in his leather trousers, here is why we suggest that you switch from genuine leather to leatherette.

Splash of colour
The winter season is usually associated with monochrome combinations, such as black, grey, white, brown. We are trying to change that! Add a splash of colour to your outfit – pink, purple, yellow – and we guarantee your mood will brighten up a bit. A pair of pastel purple trousers will do.

For the cold months to come, wool is always a perfect choice. Gloves, scarves, sweaters, trousers. Yes, trousers – they will keep you warm and they look simply awesome!

Find your next pair for the fall-winter season here.