Volám sa Aneta Chroustová, ale väčšina z vás ma pozná pod prezývkou Hanneton Monde. Už okolo 7 rokov opisujem svoj každodenný život, plný radosti, varenia, cestovania a najmä módy na svojom…
11 eko inovácií, ktoré menia svet módy
Od biologicky odbúrateľného lesku po tkaniny z morských rias alebo pomarančových vlákien – to všetko je ďaľšie pokolenie módnych inovácií. 11 startup spoločností ponúka módnemu priemyslu lepšiu budúcnosť. Algiknit, BioGlitz, FLOCUS,…
Predajte Remixu a získajte platbu ihneď!
Vieme, že vo Vašom šatníku sú oblečenie a doplnky, ktoré majú v sebe stále život, ale nenosíte ich a pravdepodobne ani nebudete nosiť. Ponúkame Vám možnosť, aby ste im dali…
Deň obehového hospodárstva v textilnom priemysle
Aj keď to zatiaľ nie je dosť populárne, dnes je Deň obehového hospodárstva v textilnom priemysle. Je to deň, keď sa všetci - organizácie, značky i my ako spotrebitelia -…
Green brand of the week: SAMARA
You know that during the past few years, the art of Green Fashion has been so popular that we can actually call it a trend. Let’s journey back to the…
Free some space in your wardrobe with “Sell to Remix”
September is here, and so is the autumn season. Now is the perfect moment to organize your wardrobe for the new season and earn money while doing it. Here are…
Green brand of the week: Columbia
Making sustainability the core of your brand’s identity requires a lot of energy, creative resources and devotion to the cause. The sportswear label Columbia understands this pretty well and shows…
Green brand of the week: Aquafil
You know that during the past few years, the art of Green Fashion has been so popular that we can actually call it a trend. As we are getting closer…
Green brand of the week: SVNR
Aesthetics, colours and ethics – these are the key elements in the philosophy of the brand SVNR. Created with a great passion for fashion, SVNR is not just another jewellery…
The first Vegan Fashion Week
After becoming the first city to officially ban the sale and manufacture of fur, Los Angeles continued its strive toward green fashion and became a host of the first-ever Vegan…