DESTINATIONS – Reuse • Reduce • Remix The Blog Thu, 27 Jun 2019 14:16:10 +0000 en-SK hourly 1 DESTINATIONS – Reuse • Reduce • Remix 32 32 Life’s amazing on the Galapagos Islands Tue, 02 Jul 2019 04:00:22 +0000 The Galapagos Islands are known for many amazing things – from their flora and fauna to their geology. The islands’ territory belongs to Ecuador and most of it is a national park. It is considered that the first of the islands was created 5–10 million years ago by tectonic activity. As a result, islands with […]

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The most extravagant swimming pools Thu, 27 Jun 2019 05:00:40 +0000 Having a swimming pool in your backyard is tempting and useful for sunbathing, swimming and cocktail parties. But when you don’t have a swimming pool (or even a backyard), you should find the perfect place according to your needs. Evidently, some people’s needs are much more sophisticated than ours. Let’s see some of the most […]

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New Zealand – a place of wonders Fri, 10 May 2019 12:11:41 +0000 New Zealand is a paradise on Earth – a place with long coastlines, untouched beaches, spectacular mountain scenery, magnificent lake views and world-class hiking trails. And this is just a small part of the country’s wonders, see what else you can find traveling around the islands: The wildlife of New Zealand is incredible There are […]

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30 years pyramide du Louvre Wed, 03 Apr 2019 13:30:49 +0000 The Louvre museum (Musée du Louvre) is the world’s largest art museum in Paris, France. This landmark was established in 1793 and it displays more than 38 000 pieces of art. The Louvre Pyramid (Pyramide du Louvre) – this glass structure that marks the museum’s entrance – was built from 1988 till 1989. At first, […]

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Sri Lanka: the best destination for 2019 Mon, 25 Feb 2019 06:00:18 +0000 2019 officially became the year of Sri Lanka according to Lonely Planet. After long hours of hard work – comparing national and natural wealth of countries all over the world, the travel guide has pronounced the pearl of the Indian ocean the best destination to travel to in 2019. Here are some of the reasons why […]

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6 extraordinary museums you should visit Thu, 31 Jan 2019 13:46:14 +0000 When traveling you probably find it a little boring to walk around all the mainstream museums that tourists’ guides recommend. That’s why we decided to show you the museum walk can be an exciting thing if you find the right places for you. We’ve collected some of the world’s most extraordinary museums that you probably […]

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Liechtenstein – visiting a country without an airport Fri, 04 Jan 2019 13:12:22 +0000 There are 5 countries in the world where you can’t go by airplane because there is no airport. All of them are located in Europe and one of them is Liechtenstein. Although the country is known mostly for its small size – 160 km2 (it’s the 6th smallest country in the world) – Liechtenstein has many other […]

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Catch the last sunny days travelling Tue, 20 Nov 2018 15:18:03 +0000 If you already miss the warm sunny days, the good news is you can still catch them in some parts of Europe. So grab a pen and make a plan for the next warm, sunny trip. Here are some ideas for locations: Sardinia, Italy Sardinia is an attractive destination not only because you wouldn’t have […]

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Bhutan: the happiest place on Earth Fri, 02 Nov 2018 09:49:08 +0000 Bhutan is a country well-known for two major things – its unspoiled nature and the high gross national happiness index. Maybe you would wonder if there really is such a thing as gross national happiness (GNH) – well, there is. In 1972 the 4th King of Bhutan – Jigme Singye Wangchuck, declared: “Gross National Happiness is more […]

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5 ways to rediscover your hometown Fri, 14 Sep 2018 13:30:46 +0000 We know that traveling around the world is pretty exciting and also that it costs a lot. Well, even if your bank account doesn’t support your adventure ideas for visiting the Canary Islands or Peru, you could still plan a weekend trip and rediscover your hometown. We know there is so much left to be […]

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