Všetci spájame červenú farbu s láskou, vášňou a romantikou. Ale červená je aj farba krvi. Dnes zaznamenávame medzinárodný Deň obliekania sa do červeného. Nech vám povieme o tom trochu viac. Vždy prvý piatok…
Remix Street Style
Remix sa vydáva na nové dobrodružstvo inšpirované kreatívnou mestskou módou. Ako sa ľudia v meste obliekajú a vyberajú si svoje outfity, odkiaľ nakupujú a či majú vintage vychytávky svoje miesto…
Deň obehového hospodárstva v textilnom priemysle
Aj keď to zatiaľ nie je dosť populárne, dnes je Deň obehového hospodárstva v textilnom priemysle. Je to deň, keď sa všetci - organizácie, značky i my ako spotrebitelia -…
Microsoft: carbon neutral by 2030
Microsoft just announced some major plans: not just to reduce its carbon print, but to become carbon neutral by 2030! And that’s not all… The company has also pledged to…
Golden Globes and Critics Choices
Awards season 2020 is officially upon us. The first half of the first month of the new year already made us witnesses to the Golden Globes and the Critics’ Choice…
One billion trees in 2028
Deforestation has been a huge issue during the past decade. The fires all around the world are not making things easier. Here is why we should think of innovative ways…
Best Christmas Ads in 2019
You know what they say about Christmas: ‘Tis the season to be jolly… and to enjoy the festive Christmas ads that some of the most popular brands have prepared for us.…
British Fashion Awards 2019
Since 1989, the British Fashion Awards ceremony has been one of the hottest events on the world’s fashion map, right next to the Metropolitan Museum of Art Gala (MET Gala)…
Designer Remix: Zac Posen
Elegance, grace, romance, femininity, splendour and a dash of ambiguity. Zac Posen showed it all. The American fashion designer recently announced that he is closing his eponymous fashion house. Here…
Hello, pumpkin season!
The pumpkin season is finally upon us with all the pumpkin spice lattes and pumpkin-patch-insta-feeds out there. Here are a few pumpkin recipes you can try in November. We promise…