Sometimes we underestimate the power of handbags and we think of them just as an accessory, but they’re really not only that. A lot of fashion web-based shops already put handbags as one of the main categories, separating them from the other accessories, as we are used to perceive them. Actually, the fact that handbags were classified as an accessory is a little confusing. Why be labeled a mere accessory when they are the most useful and practical thing in our wardrobe?

But also, handbags are so much more than simply the carriers of our valuables. Their essential role in the modern women’s life is psychologically determined by a few factors. The handbag appeared as a part of the changes after World War I and the increasing emancipation of women. Women started to show off with their cigarettes and lighters, use own bank accounts, carry car keys and even apply their makeup in public places. All these things had to have their own place and the brand-new designer handbag became a necessity to assist their carrying around.

Together with her independence, the woman also showed off her personal taste, while the brand of the bag revealed her economic status. The designer handbag was used as a soupcon of the childhood security blanket, which gave the woman the needed sense of freedom, independence and most importantly – the security and confidence of a wealthy lady, even if she’s not.

The handbag for most contemporary women is the perfect tool, combining the most useful things for a lady – from a pack of gum and the hairbrush, to the car keys and the wallet. Still, the question remains whether one bag is really worth the price of $1000+ or in some cases (looking at you, Fendi Peekaboo shoulder bag with crocodile leather) – $23,000.
To be completely bag-free is the most comfortable thing for some people and the most uncomfortable option for others. At the same time, wearing no bag communicates in a meta language the importance of a person, who has his personal assistant or a public relations person carrying the bag at a discreet distance. In another scenario, this may happen when people are attending fashion shows, private events or dinners, when they leave their bags in the backseat of the car outside, while they chat and walk around. So bag-free is not completely bag-free.

Bags are so popular in all their sizes and price ranges due to one more fact – this “accessory” doesn’t come up with sizing and no woman ever asked if the bag made her look fat. Despite that, the bag should be compared to the body proportions in search of the best personal look.