Be kell vallanunk - nagyon hamar reggel érezni fogjuk azt az enyhe hideget, amely libabőrössé tesz bennünket. Az ősz egyre inkább közeleg, de most azt tanácsoljuk, hogy élvezze az év…
Napszemüveg a 2020. nyarára
Végül a szezon forrpontja áll előttünk, amelyben minden álmunk a nap, a tengerre néző kilátások, a vakáció és a légies anyagok körül forog. Az elkövetkező meleg hónapokban gondoskodnunk kell a…
A Remix aranyat nyert a South East European Customer Experience Awards pályázaton
Ügyfélszolgálatunk célja mindig is az volt, hogy a vásárlási élményt könnyűvé és élvezetessé tegye. Örülünk, hogy megoszthatjuk Önnel, hogy emiatt aranydíjakat nyertünk a South East European Customer Experience Awards pályázaton…
5 nail trends for Spring 2020
Is it time to let the spring hues in your life? The answer you are looking for is YES, a thousand times YES! Here are 5 of the most popular-to-be…
Microsoft: carbon neutral by 2030
Microsoft just announced some major plans: not just to reduce its carbon print, but to become carbon neutral by 2030! And that’s not all… The company has also pledged to…
Meet the brands: Hugo Boss, Yema, Replay, Tom Tailor, Jack & Jones
This week we are glad to present more of our special outlet brands. Today on the fashion menu: Hugo Boss, Yema, Replay, Tom Tailor, Jack & Jones. Hugo Boss Created…
Meet the brands: John Richmond, Le Temps des Cerises, Paul & Joe
Our outlet brand catalogue is getting bigger and bigger every day. In order to introduce you to some of the most interesting brands, we decided to dedicate a special series…
Colour radar: neons
The neon trend that was so popular in the 90s seems to have made a huge comeback within the last few years. Even if you’re not a fan of bright…
Golden Globes and Critics Choices
Awards season 2020 is officially upon us. The first half of the first month of the new year already made us witnesses to the Golden Globes and the Critics’ Choice…
One billion trees in 2028
Deforestation has been a huge issue during the past decade. The fires all around the world are not making things easier. Here is why we should think of innovative ways…