One thing is sure: even though the awards are called “Golden Globes”, golden was not the only dominant shade. We also saw silver, bronze and all shades of glitter and…
Liechtenstein – visiting a country without an airport
There are 5 countries in the world where you can’t go by airplane because there is no airport. All of them are located in Europe and one of them is…
The most memorable moments of 2018
Making a statement Women used the red carpet during the Golden Globes to make a statement and popularize the #MeToo movement in Hollywood. The ladies wore black instead of the…
Best Christmas ads – part 2
We know, we know – Christmas is over, the presents are open, the festive outfit is gone, you are back to work. Don’t worry – we miss the holiday spirit…
When in doubt, wear red!
When in doubt, wear red - American fashion designer Bill Blass’ timeless quote works perfectly for Christmas Eve, Christmas day, New Year’s Eve... and every other day of the year…
Last minute Christmas decoration
If you were too busy during the past weeks and you just realised Christmas is a few days away, here are four useful and super easy tips to help you:…
Style Remix: Milla Jovovich
Contemporary Jeanne d’Arc, fearless Alice from Resident Evil, humanoid woman Leelo from The Fifth Element, musician, model, designer. Those are some of the many faces of Milla Jovovich, who is…
Green brand of the week: MATT & NAT
In recent years, sustainability has been a widely discussed topic in the fashion industry. Understanding the importance of being eco-friendly, some brands have switched to sustainable practices in the manufacturing…
6 ideas for the festive manicure
You are probably already thinking about the upcoming holidays, your party outfit and your festive manicure. And speaking of festive manicures, give yourself the freedom to leave behind the routine…
Best Christmas ads for 2018 – part one
Even though we were willing to share some of those heart-melting ads with you a couple of weeks ago, we decided to wait until December. Well hello, December, hello, festive…